Latest - Plum Compot

A richly red plum compot with a spoon ready to serve a lucky person.

This is an easy way to use up plums, and the plums do not have to be perfect – just cut away the bad parts. It is really lovely to have as…

Melissa tea

Written by Ma Sharp - 2nd July 2022

Melissa Officinalis, also known as lemon balm, has a natural appeal to me as a herb due to our shared name! I found it growing wild in our garden..

A freshly brewing cup of Melissa Officinalis tea with a large sprig filling the tea cup!

Pears Poached in Lavender and Wine

Written by Ma Sharp - 25th June 2022

In June lavender becomes abundant in our garden. If you have a warm sunny spot then do plant some in your garden, if you haven’t already! It…

A pear poached in lavender and wine and served with forest strawberries and a coconut macaroon.

Banana Energy Smoothie

Written by Ma Sharp - 12th June 2022

This is my variant of a smoothie, which is intended to not only give you an energy boost, but also be thirst-quenching, so not too thick. I…

A banana energy smoothis served in a glass and ready to drink.

Corn tortillas

Written by Ma Sharp - 28th May 2022

When I was a child, the world was not yet the international hotpot that it now is. Sure, I grew up with parents from different countries…

A stack of freshly made corn tortillas.

Cooking with lavender

Written by Ma Sharp - 3rd April 2022

I’m back to cooking with lavender. Lavender is a wonderful flower with a beautiful colour and powerful scent. It is also an edible flower…

A lavender biscuit accompanying a cup of coffee. As usual the photographer couldn't wait to take a bite!

Veg au vin

Written by Ma Sharp - 19th March 2022

In general I am loathe to vegetarian dishes that use ‘meat substitutes’. But recently I considered whether one could make a reasonable…

The final veg au vin with celeriac sitting on a bed of mashed potatoes.

Beetroot Pate

Written by Ma Sharp - 19th February 2022

I once thought I would try to buy a vegetarian pate. It was not a success… Frankly I’m not sure which of the ingredients caused the calamity…

Beetroot pate served on bread with a garnish of cress.

Variations on Stout Cookies

Written by Ma Sharp - 13th February 2022

I recently baked a bread that needed some stout. I thought it would be fun to see if I could bake something else with the rest of the stout…

A stout cookie with a bite taken out and some crumbs. The photographer couldn't wait!

Annual Freezer Stocktake

Written by Ma Sharp - 7th January 2022

Every year in early January, when it is hopefully cold outside, I do our annual freezer stocktake and defrost our large freezer, which is…

A simple template of a table for a list of items in one's freezer

Curly Kale and Pomegranate Salad

Written by Ma Sharp - 22nd December 2021

Tear the curly kale into suitably small bite-sized pieces and place in serving bowl. Separate the pomegranate seeds from the bitter pith and...

A salad containing curly kale, pomegranate, walnuts and oranges.

Quick tomato and pasta to beat a cold

Written by Ma Sharp - 10th December 2021

This recipe was made to deal with the sudden and urgent need for some dinner on a day where someone seemed on the verge of coming down with…

The tomato and pasta mixed in a pasta bowl and ready to eat.

Baked Potatoes

Written by Ma Sharp - 19th November 2021

When the weather outside gets cooler, I love turning to easy comfort foods such as baked potatoes. My preferred method for baking them means…

Baking potatoes with a pat of butter in foil. Ready to be wrapped up and placed in the oven.

Ham and pumpkin sandwich

Written by Ma Sharp - 17th November 2021

Personally I get a lot of feel-good energy from eating plenty of vegetables, but I do try to also cater to the carnivores of the house. And…

A ham and pumpkin sandwich ready to be eaten.

Magical Vanilla Sugar

Written by Ma Sharp - 3rd November 2021

I still remember the jar in my childhood kitchen cupboard that contained the vanilla sugar. I always found it somehow magical – it felt like…

A jar of sugar with a vanilla pod.

Baking during the work week

Written by Ma Sharp - 27th October 2021

I love freshly baked bread – the smell, the taste and the texture too. This used to be an exclusive treat for weekends and days off, since I…

Three freshly baked loaves of bread sitting on a cooling rack.

Pumpkin Spice Latte

Written by Ma Sharp - 24th October 2021

The weather really makes me feel we have moved into the cold part of autumn. We now have a cold and bitter wind, making the temperature feel…

A pumpkin spice latte in a glass, ready to be drunk.

Time for warming soups

Written by Ma Sharp - 2nd October 2021

Waking up on a grey autumnal Saturday morning, with my youngest still having a cold, and the rest of us trying to avoid it, it seemed like…

One of my little helpers scraping the seeds from the pumpkin.

Millions of Peaches!

Written by Ma Sharp - 20th August 2021

This was a year where our peach tree delivered! Given how sensitive peaches are to the local variable climate, it really fills me with joy...

A freshly baked tart with home grown peaches embedded in frangipane

Time for baking the Christmas Cake

Written by Ma Sharp - 17th August 2021

While Christmas seems such a long way away during the summer it is nonetheless high time for baking the Christmas cake. This is a...

A freshly baked christmas cake waiting for a drink of brandy!