Millions of Peaches!
Author: Ma Sharp
Posted on: 20th August 2021
This was a year where our peach tree delivered! Given how sensitive peaches are to the local variable climate, it really fills me with joy when we do get plenty of peaches. The problem is not that the tree does not produce flowers, but that we can easily have a bout of night frost around that time, wiping out any chance of late summer peaches from our own tree. This year I was thankfully paying enough attention to the weather, and covered up the tree for 2 nights in May when we had night frost come in. We got the reward for that effort now. I was able to pick a large bowl of peaches just before torrential rain hit, which would have caused them to go bad. And tonight we enjoyed a frangipane peach tart, and we still have peaches leftover to simply gobble upfresh!