The following posts are tagged fruit:

Fruit is so versatile you can have it with this, or in that, or even plain!

Latest - Plum Compot

A richly red plum compot with a spoon ready to serve a lucky person.

This is an easy way to use up plums, and the plums do not have to be perfect – just cut away the bad parts. It is really lovely to have as…

Pears Poached in Lavender and Wine

Written by Ma Sharp - 25th June 2022

In June lavender becomes abundant in our garden. If you have a warm sunny spot then do plant some in your garden, if you haven’t already! It…

A pear poached in lavender and wine and served with forest strawberries and a coconut macaroon.

Millions of Peaches!

Written by Ma Sharp - 20th August 2021

This was a year where our peach tree delivered! Given how sensitive peaches are to the local variable climate, it really fills me with joy...

A freshly baked tart with home grown peaches embedded in frangipane